David & Goliath

“But so much of what is beautiful and valuable in the world comes from the shepherd, who has more strength and purpose than we ever imagine.” – Malcolm Gladwell

Of all the noble thoughts about the story of David and Goliath, what strikes me the most is the power of passion as it relates to one’s purpose.

I believe purpose does not transform into passion until it becomes personal. For example, in the story David and Goliath, David did not become passionate about his purpose until he witnessed the giant mocking Israel and their God – it became personal.

King Saul offered David the Royal armor to protect him in the battle against the giant. However, David refused the protection because he had already put on the Full Armor of God.

Many times in life, people will underestimate you. The world will seek to measure you by your size, your background, your stature, etc…, but they can’t comprehend your heart or the breadth of your purpose.

The world can measure the outside, but only you and God can measure what’s on the inside of you.

So when the Goliath-sized issues appear in your life, and the enemy is trying to overwhelm you, prepare your sling and remind the naysayers it is a fixed fight…you’ve already won.